Happy Thanksgiving: Let me introduce Barred Owl Press
Barred Owl Press is dedicated to amplifying the patient's voice in a medical system controlled by corporations.
Happy Thanksgiving, readers. I am so thankful for you all.
Barred Owl Press is a company dedicated to amplifying the patient's voice in a medical system controlled by corporations. I know about this world firsthand as a health reporter and cancer patient (now in remission).
Life Inside is our first publication. It's a free journal of original cancer-patient essays and poetry created by me. It's supported by two stores we've created to sell patient-centered merchandise: Life Inside and Life Inside (outside) collections.
The profit we make from these stores will go towards original reporting in 2021.
Early next year, readers can expect hard-hitting Florida-based and national investigations that reveal the enormous burden on regular people to navigate the health system, the consequences of which can be deadly.
There's a lot of spin in health care reporting. You won't get that here. I just don't care enough about having access or being well liked or currying favor. And I know better from having too much experience in the system myself.
Politicians on both sides of the aisle are to blame for our corrupt health care system and so you won't get liberal or conservative news. You'll just get news that you can actually use.
By supporting our brand, you are supporting a more equal space in health care for patients, and by extension, democracy itself.
For we will never be free until we are healthy.
So, please, take a leap of faith with me, and try something new —#payforthemerchnotthenews, a concept that has, ironically, never been easier to test than in a pandemic.
There are other ways than purchasing products to support Barred Owl Press. The easiest way is by simply sharing our content. So, please do that, too.
I look forward to both serving and hearing from you. I love you all so much. Thank you, and Happy Thanksgiving, to you and yours. 🌻